Mc Clelland had supplied Solid & Liquid Waste Incinerator system to us. The system is working continuously to our satisfaction since commissioning in Dec-2011. The stack emission parameters are well within the limits as prescribed by pollution control board. We are satisfied with their support services and wish them success in their endeavors
Mc Clelland Engineers have supplied us two Vent Gas Incinerator with Waste Heat recovery Boiler at our Gujraula Plant in UP. The system is commissioned and working continuously. We found Mc Clelland co-operative and we are satisfied with their services. We wish them success in their endeavors.
Mc Clelland Engineers have supplied hazardous waste incinerator systems at our Yanam, Pondicherry site location. The plant has been working continuously to our satisfaction. The stack emission parameters are well within the limits as prescribed by pollution control board. We are satisfied with their support services and wish them success in their endeavors.
Mc Clelland had supplied Incinerator system for disposal of waste (Liquid and Solid) generated from our paint manufacturing activities. The plant has been working continuously to our satisfaction. The system outlet parameters are well within the limits prescribed by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. We are satisfied with their support services and wish them success in their endeavors
Mc Clelland Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Had installed an incinerator for dual purpose i.e. Solid Waste and Aqueous waste. The incinerator installed at our plant is working satisfactorily.
The system is commissioned during June 2011 and is working continuously to our satisfaction. The stack emission parameters are found within the limits prescribed by Gujarat Pollution Control Board. We found Mc Clelland highly co-operative and we are satisfied with their services. We wish them success in their endeavors.
The after sales service of Mc Clelland Engineers is very good and prompt. Technical support of the team is excellent and engineers are available with very short notice as and when required. Mc Clelland had supplied Thermal Oxidizer System for gaseous waste/vent gas containing mainly TRS gases.
The plant supplied by Mc Clelland Engineers has been functioning remarkably well to our satisfaction. Mc Clelland India had invested considerable time and efforts towards follow up of our knitty gritty problems related to conceiving a full thorough implementation. We wish them all success in their endevours in combating pollution problems facing our country.